Sandra Ringmann

sandra-ringmannPh.D. student: „Processes for Secure Software Development and Testing of Cloud Applications“

Master BIT HTWG (2015)


Sandra Ringmann and Hanno Langweg. Determining security requirements for cloud-supported routing of physical goods. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Security and Privacy in the Cloud (SPC 2017). To appear.

Sandra Ringmann and Hanno Langweg. Elicitation of security requirements for migration of OCR software to the cloud. Proceedings of Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC2017). To appear.

Sandra Ringmann and Hanno Langweg. Agile Test Automation for Web Applications – A Security Perspective. In: Lotfi ben Othmane, Martin Gilje Jaatun, and Edgar Weippl (eds.) Empirical Research for Software Security: Foundations and Experience. Pages 209-247, 2017.


Sandra Ringmann. Elicitation of security requirements for migration of OCR software to the cloud. CERC 2017.

Sandra Ringmann. Processes and methods for secure software development in the cloud. MyPhD 2017.